Task #3632 - 012ee298 Description: Status Start End Updated Duration Sequences Logs Task Bundle finished 3 years ago 3 years ago 3 years ago 15 minutes (957sec) Positive, Negative Float, Integer, Tomtom Open Results Motif positions Meme Tomtom output Motif Occurrence(%) Expected(%) -log10(Binomial prob) DNHNVCAS 54.2595 27.3854 188.34 DVWRCAMN 28.8441 9.88524 165.229 MAVCAHDD 20.6433 5.42171 160.224 CMVWVNRN 59.3496 33.7917 159.293 DRCMCTDB 17.7801 4.473 142.122 DRSMASYD 27.3948 10.5959 126.254 RSAMHNYN 44.9982 25.4745 101.444 AHCANDNH 30.3641 15.0922 83.3065 ADGRMASB 10.5338 2.62602 78.7704 MCHSHARR 14.0332 4.62616 73.7537 AVANGRAA 5.33758 0.796437 62.2608 MTVTRMAR 7.91799 2.05995 53.2363 BMMCMRRN 22.6935 11.5954 51.8881 WVARGWAG 5.33758 0.982457 50.661 CARVMDCD 10.357 3.45723 49.9884 DGYARAMH 8.8017 2.74642 45.9329 AWACHDCY 5.76175 1.31957 42.9872 AVVRVCAW 9.65005 3.43011 40.746 WSWKARCH 10.5691 4.00102 40.2839 ASBVCCTS 5.58501 1.30795 40.1834 AKRNAGKM 8.02404 2.67221 36.4735 BKMMCARN 14.2807 6.66267 36.1149 GVARGSSM 5.97384 1.64179 34.7234 SKRAMCAN 6.96359 2.16821 34.3482 MADGRADB 10.3924 4.19227 34.2547 VMANTCAN 9.11983 3.50288 32.2347 AMAKYRSW 7.24638 2.53448 29.0146 DAGKGSAV 5.19618 1.48031 27.3069 CASMTDGD 5.23153 1.51653 26.7434 HAAHMMTS 7.31707 2.6837 26.5678 MMASCTRV 5.37292 1.62688 25.6508 WMWCAGHH 7.35242 2.79924 24.5621 WVMAMDGR 10.9933 5.17553 24.4719 RNDGMCCH 10.6045 4.98687 23.3143 CTCARWHN 5.7971 1.96199 22.8953 WRMAKGSM 6.61011 2.45036 22.5144 GSYCCNCD 5.19618 1.68927 21.3264 CASVGMYV 6.25663 2.32958 20.5894 CMTNCAMB 5.05479 1.70066 19.0414 CASWAVYB 6.57476 2.61137 18.8024 ARGCNCWB 5.09014 1.7716 17.8116 AABVTVCW 5.76175 2.16659 17.7805 KYAGDADS 7.35242 3.23281 16.6019 KKCAGWKV 5.8678 2.30367 16.308 DTYNACCR 5.33758 1.99712 16.0099 DCAGDCYV 5.30223 1.9976 15.5565 CMRSKVAS 7.03429 3.14983 14.5657 RDGCMANR 7.28172 3.36744 13.7716 RARWSMCM 5.16083 2.01582 13.4516 KMCAGBMD 6.04454 2.71393 11.1059 GRKNGDAG 5.30223 2.24295 10.8946 RAWMASYR 5.33758 2.29917 10.325 DYMARAHG 5.90315 2.74642 9.18198 DCAAGKNH 6.11524 2.90616 8.95932 GBYCARHM 5.72641 2.64426 8.93068 GNAGMDCH 5.76175 2.68766 8.64316 WAGKAKRH 5.05479 2.25152 8.09754 TBHAMCMW 5.93849 2.88585 7.55996 ACMYDGBM 5.51432 2.59584 7.5452 AGBAVBMM 6.99894 3.66941 7.1556 AVNYCABC 5.09014 2.38871 6.38522 CRKSMCMN 7.49381 4.10928 6.293 AKYCHVVA 7.10498 3.90225 5.4262 KMCAMTVH 5.47897 2.78428 4.70637 YSACMRYD 6.43337 3.47436 4.69437 BCAKCABN 5.30223 2.67143 4.55516 RWWRTCMM 5.23153 2.64666 4.23997 TGVMADNC 5.54966 2.90642 3.84596 RCWKRRAK 5.30223 2.74154 3.69491 TSTMMARN 5.40827 2.83108 3.53642 DSCMTVRG 5.47897 2.88912 3.4552 KWGAVRGV 5.62036 3.05468 2.75944 Parameters Search parameters Complementary Statistical test type(score) Use Bonferroni correction for binomial score Skip motifs shifted by 1 symbol Motif filtering Minimum motif score Maximum number of results Positive sequences Sequences set Open Maximum motif presence by chance(%) Minimum motif presence in sequences set(%) Contrast sequences Contrast sequences set set Open Maximum motif score in the contrast set of sequences Statistic parameters Using of real frequencies Markov state length Add first run - exclude sequence if motif found Minimum percentage of remaining sequences. 0 - disable run parameters in ini format 1 Complementarity. 0 - forward strand. 1 - forward + reverse strand. 2 Minimum motif score 35 Maximum presence of motif for random reasons in the positive set of sequences [0-100] 5 Minimum presence of motif in the positive set of sequences [0-100] pos.fst File with positive set of sequences 1 0 - neutral frequencies, 1 - real nucleotide frequencies in the set of sequences [0, 1] 1 Score type: 0 - chi-squared or 1 - binomial [0, 1] 0 Maximum number of result motifs. 0 - reveal all significant motifs [0, ] 0 Markov chain order (0-Bernulli, 1-dinucleotide, 2-trinucleotide), when using real nucleotide frequencies [0-3] 0 Unsupported param 0 Minimum % of remaining sequences. First run - exclude sequences if motif found. 0 - disable. [0, 100] neg.fst File with the contrast set of sequences 10 Maximum score in the contrast set of sequences 0 Unsupported param 1 Output results with Bonferroni correction [0, 1] a.txt Results file 1 Write integer results. 0 - real values, 1 - integer [0, 1] 1 Skip motifs that coincide with the previous ones with a shift [0, 1] Delete