Task #3634 - 5f2fda1d Description: Status Start End Updated Duration Sequences Logs Task Bundle finished 3 years ago 3 years ago 3 years ago 22 minutes (1358sec) Positive, Negative Float, Integer, Tomtom Open Results Motif positions Meme Tomtom output Motif Occurrence(%) Expected(%) -log10(Binomial prob) RMAGYRCW 6.57476 0.590575 115.477 DNCMBDKB 45.4224 25.8932 100.716 CHNDNDGN 52.3507 32.2246 98.0027 RNRCHNBB 49.6995 30.1694 94.2266 ABKGNNNH 41.3927 24.0588 81.5296 CMBKKBHD 29.1976 14.38 80.913 YNRCASHN 17.462 6.96945 67.8072 WGSWNSHH 25.2739 12.391 67.4323 KVARGCNC 5.05479 0.858139 51.6576 ACHDBCTR 5.72641 1.11858 51.614 CWDCCWKB 6.64546 1.51644 51.3014 BWYYRSAS 11.3821 4.06123 49.7385 NCAKKGBH 9.89749 3.28845 47.661 TBTDSASD 9.11983 2.9684 44.6548 HWCADHCW 7.28172 2.12218 40.6049 DGYCYVCW 5.69106 1.47525 35.6855 NSAGGDAV 5.23153 1.37919 31.2373 GBWGDHTG 5.58501 1.55807 31.0949 TDSWRDGW 9.7561 3.98035 30.6587 GGTHRHMY 5.90315 1.74187 30.4394 RAGGNAVB 5.16083 1.3864 29.7997 WGNKBYTG 7.95334 2.93508 29.3389 KKGYWYAS 5.62036 1.66962 28.1996 VMWKCMHY 11.7002 5.4784 27.1839 RAMNGVMA 5.23153 1.54166 25.9814 KRRKYTSY 8.76635 3.63313 25.4653 YTGGKMMN 5.19618 1.59062 24.0111 RNMACHRA 5.05479 1.53715 23.4001 DMRSTGAD 5.12549 1.61758 22.209 KMCTNYMT 5.09014 1.63304 21.2778 STGDKKYT 5.12549 1.67253 20.7502 KBARMVDG 9.47331 4.43498 20.0257 ANTHCWKB 8.16543 3.60496 19.2584 CWBCWKKD 8.02404 3.53678 18.8506 CDGVMMYW 6.61011 2.68506 17.826 SMHWRSTG 5.72641 2.15287 17.6242 TGWDWRSW 6.61011 2.69891 17.5701 CMSTDNYC 5.23153 1.94161 15.848 WCYDKGRK 6.07989 2.46291 15.779 GKGRMKSV 5.44362 2.09691 15.2688 AHARWRSW 5.09014 1.88723 15.2164 WVCASTMN 5.01944 1.87666 14.5478 GYTSYYVR 5.8678 2.40491 14.3945 GYMAWNMW 6.11524 2.60867 13.5806 YTGWSMWD 5.90315 2.53589 12.4927 NCHCWMAV 5.58501 2.33436 12.4491 BKTBKGWG 5.58501 2.35569 12.0756 RHCTGDKV 5.90315 2.61817 11.1431 CANNBBAC 5.65571 2.49041 10.5857 WGSTBWBM 7.45847 3.7246 10.5131 AGWADKBH 5.62036 2.54164 9.40975 GKDGMABH 5.44362 2.42534 9.39861 MWCHRRMY 6.8929 3.41391 9.38198 DWSTWKKG 6.36267 3.06955 9.0523 TGTSMHDV 5.90315 2.78179 8.6698 BSTGKKMM 5.33758 2.417 8.43471 CNVYHTCW 6.29198 3.13242 7.55938 BWYYMCTW 5.26688 2.43769 7.41115 GGYDSYWK 5.44362 2.56102 7.35578 WMADRCWD 5.69106 2.87976 5.38711 TNRMAWKS 5.83245 2.99309 5.22837 NHBHTGCA 5.01944 2.44405 4.94273 GCWDVTBY 5.37292 2.73424 4.3955 ASNGVMVG 5.01944 2.50325 4.16565 BRGKGMWB 6.32732 3.44537 4.16093 KRARYRYY 5.58501 2.90998 4.10239 WDYCAKKN 7.74125 4.67283 2.69457 GNBRVSCT 5.65571 3.09123 2.64653 CYDCWRNS 6.43337 3.69008 2.47438 DRSANCHG 5.09014 2.69341 2.47424 WAKRBVAM 5.23153 2.81073 2.31136 DKWTTSHT 5.01944 2.66389 2.22744 Parameters Search parameters Complementary Statistical test type(score) Use Bonferroni correction for binomial score Skip motifs shifted by 1 symbol Motif filtering Minimum motif score Maximum number of results Positive sequences Sequences set Open Maximum motif presence by chance(%) Minimum motif presence in sequences set(%) Contrast sequences Contrast sequences set set Open Maximum motif score in the contrast set of sequences Statistic parameters Using of real frequencies Markov state length Add first run - exclude sequence if motif found Minimum percentage of remaining sequences. 0 - disable run parameters in ini format 0 Complementarity. 0 - forward strand. 1 - forward + reverse strand. 2 Minimum motif score 35 Maximum presence of motif for random reasons in the positive set of sequences [0-100] 5 Minimum presence of motif in the positive set of sequences [0-100] pos.fst File with positive set of sequences 1 0 - neutral frequencies, 1 - real nucleotide frequencies in the set of sequences [0, 1] 1 Score type: 0 - chi-squared or 1 - binomial [0, 1] 0 Maximum number of result motifs. 0 - reveal all significant motifs [0, ] 0 Markov chain order (0-Bernulli, 1-dinucleotide, 2-trinucleotide), when using real nucleotide frequencies [0-3] 0 Unsupported param 0 Minimum % of remaining sequences. First run - exclude sequences if motif found. 0 - disable. [0, 100] neg.fst File with the contrast set of sequences 10 Maximum score in the contrast set of sequences 0 Unsupported param 1 Output results with Bonferroni correction [0, 1] a.txt Results file 1 Write integer results. 0 - real values, 1 - integer [0, 1] 1 Skip motifs that coincide with the previous ones with a shift [0, 1] Delete