Task #3631 - a7ab0418 Description: Status Start End Updated Duration Sequences Logs Task Bundle finished 3 years ago 3 years ago 3 years ago 14 minutes (895sec) Positive, Negative Float, Integer, Tomtom Open Results Motif positions Meme Tomtom output Motif Occurrence(%) Expected(%) -log10(Binomial prob) CAKTSHAN 8.43558 0.872387 25.4193 KTGCANDK 8.89571 1.26037 20.2546 HASHWSBD 28.5276 11.8863 20.2343 WMAGKGCD 6.28834 0.536968 19.7548 MNTVCANK 13.9571 3.40017 19.4463 AVVNBCWB 26.0736 10.5932 18.5651 HRVRNTSH 34.9693 17.1407 17.8549 KBAGGTWG 5.21472 0.40773 16.0686 RHASHWSB 20.8589 7.9318 15.0411 DYMHWGNB 33.4356 17.1643 13.753 RSTRRDTT 8.12883 1.43768 13.3453 WRMACWTB 6.13497 0.852077 11.4593 CCHKBWGD 9.35583 2.19578 10.6439 GBYWVYWG 12.1166 3.63081 10.1846 WGSHRGTD 9.04908 2.11505 10.0759 KGYWNASW 10.7362 3.02599 9.31975 CADKGNTD 8.12883 1.78783 9.23295 RCAKYVHA 6.59509 1.17985 8.9473 GWGSTNVY 9.66258 2.60449 8.37361 MHCMBAVH 12.1166 4.07868 7.33225 RKTGYWBH 11.8098 3.97581 6.90451 TNNWNCAS 12.8834 4.68046 6.49193 YWMCMTBT 5.21472 0.847368 6.41614 KGARVMCY 5.21472 0.888086 5.82965 KMHCMBWV 15.6442 6.66204 5.39875 CTNVRBTS 9.66258 3.13238 4.68407 CTRKNBVW 14.8773 6.34227 4.62659 KKVAACMH 5.67485 1.16865 4.59883 NRDYTGWD 16.8712 7.8478 4.0471 HVCWSGGY 6.28834 1.51598 3.82524 SAGVAMHN 8.12883 2.4512 3.68893 WKMYCMKA 5.21472 1.05816 3.68749 HKCCWKGV 6.13497 1.47183 3.5814 GHWGWDWG 7.51534 2.17085 3.39947 TSRGWSDG 5.9816 1.46402 3.00755 CCMYWVMM 5.06135 1.07406 2.80165 SAVWSSCW 6.13497 1.59078 2.54227 MCBYGKWG 5.06135 1.10488 2.47693 AMWBMCMY 5.21472 1.20608 2.14267 BSWRGMWC 6.59509 1.8754 2.10687 Parameters Search parameters Complementary Statistical test type(score) Use Bonferroni correction for binomial score Skip motifs shifted by 1 symbol Motif filtering Minimum motif score Maximum number of results Positive sequences Sequences set Open Maximum motif presence by chance(%) Minimum motif presence in sequences set(%) Contrast sequences Contrast sequences set set Open Maximum motif score in the contrast set of sequences Statistic parameters Using of real frequencies Markov state length Add first run - exclude sequence if motif found Minimum percentage of remaining sequences. 0 - disable run parameters in ini format 0 Complementarity. 0 - forward strand. 1 - forward + reverse strand. 2 Minimum motif score 35 Maximum presence of motif for random reasons in the positive set of sequences [0-100] 5 Minimum presence of motif in the positive set of sequences [0-100] pos.fst File with positive set of sequences 1 0 - neutral frequencies, 1 - real nucleotide frequencies in the set of sequences [0, 1] 1 Score type: 0 - chi-squared or 1 - binomial [0, 1] 0 Maximum number of result motifs. 0 - reveal all significant motifs [0, ] 0 Markov chain order (0-Bernulli, 1-dinucleotide, 2-trinucleotide), when using real nucleotide frequencies [0-3] 0 Unsupported param 0 Minimum % of remaining sequences. First run - exclude sequences if motif found. 0 - disable. [0, 100] neg.fst File with the contrast set of sequences 10 Maximum score in the contrast set of sequences 0 Unsupported param 1 Output results with Bonferroni correction [0, 1] a.txt Results file 1 Write integer results. 0 - real values, 1 - integer [0, 1] 1 Skip motifs that coincide with the previous ones with a shift [0, 1] Delete