Task #3628 - d034f8a1 Description: Status Start End Updated Duration Sequences Logs Task Bundle finished 3 years ago 3 years ago 3 years ago 29 minutes (1749sec) Positive, Negative Float, Integer, Tomtom Open Results Motif positions Meme Tomtom output Motif Occurrence(%) Expected(%) -log10(Binomial prob) CWVMMHNN 61.6534 30.7893 520.019 HCWVMMHN 52.5066 23.3858 509.317 DNCHCWNN 65.571 34.6862 508.068 NVMAGDVN 54.3991 28.1494 387.614 HNCWBCMN 41.6501 17.9904 387.528 HDBCHCHN 54.9137 29.8629 346.309 NVMMAGNN 46.8127 23.7161 323.365 RVASMHNN 53.7683 32.7353 236.85 RVMWVCWV 26.4442 13.4938 145.67 BCYCWCHN 13.579 4.9499 135.565 RDGVMAVV 22.8918 11.3902 129.829 VVAGGARV 7.61952 2.09453 109.213 YHCWBCTB 11.1056 4.31739 95.5499 CWRKMMHN 21.9788 12.5624 81.2475 CMYHCWVV 13.745 6.67505 74.1216 WVCMAWVN 16.0857 8.47241 71.3068 NCTCAGNN 7.12151 2.51615 68.3575 MMAVTMHN 15.7039 8.3108 68.1923 MACMTDBN 10.1926 4.81787 55.3535 DRWACANN 11.5538 6.03097 48.4437 HNHCTGAV 8.58234 4.08995 43.7492 DDVAACMD 9.64475 4.90853 41.725 RVARGCMH 5.9429 2.46669 39.4438 WDDKCMCH 13.247 7.72073 39.0062 GYCHBCHY 8.61554 4.29233 38.584 ARSTARHH 5.72709 2.47091 34.2155 YCWVMAGN 6.85591 3.32713 31.0773 RKWYWACM 5.09628 2.18124 30.0209 RDDAMTGM 5.9429 2.78712 28.5127 VHCTGDAV 6.4077 3.18277 26.3422 GDBCHCWG 5.26228 2.44705 24.804 GDBCHCCH 5.77689 3.1059 16.8121 HCWTCMYN 5.9927 3.32226 15.5168 RSAAAWVN 5.34529 2.86545 15.0633 YCASMTNN 7.47012 4.5235 14.0663 WRTCCWBN 6.3745 3.75508 12.5679 TRRMMAKV 5.81009 3.43092 10.4807 AGTARNHN 5.82669 3.64979 6.84724 DDDACCAN 5.51129 3.44646 6.08293 DRTCAGNN 6.2417 4.03551 6.00222 RMMATKMH 5.09628 3.12526 5.9884 RTASAHNS 5.51129 3.46922 5.71219 YYCTAVMN 5.24568 3.28027 5.35939 GRCMAWVN 5.07968 3.31812 2.71337 Parameters Search parameters Complementary Statistical test type(score) Use Bonferroni correction for binomial score Skip motifs shifted by 1 symbol Motif filtering Minimum motif score Maximum number of results Positive sequences Sequences set Open Maximum motif presence by chance(%) Minimum motif presence in sequences set(%) Contrast sequences Contrast sequences set set Open Maximum motif score in the contrast set of sequences Statistic parameters Using of real frequencies Markov state length Add first run - exclude sequence if motif found Minimum percentage of remaining sequences. 0 - disable run parameters in ini format 1 Complementarity. 0 - forward strand. 1 - forward + reverse strand. 2 Minimum motif score 35 Maximum presence of motif for random reasons in the positive set of sequences [0-100] 5 Minimum presence of motif in the positive set of sequences [0-100] pos.fst File with positive set of sequences 1 0 - neutral frequencies, 1 - real nucleotide frequencies in the set of sequences [0, 1] 1 Score type: 0 - chi-squared or 1 - binomial [0, 1] 0 Maximum number of result motifs. 0 - reveal all significant motifs [0, ] 0 Markov chain order (0-Bernulli, 1-dinucleotide, 2-trinucleotide), when using real nucleotide frequencies [0-3] 0 Unsupported param 0 Minimum % of remaining sequences. First run - exclude sequences if motif found. 0 - disable. [0, 100] neg.fst File with the contrast set of sequences 10 Maximum score in the contrast set of sequences 0 Unsupported param 1 Output results with Bonferroni correction [0, 1] a.txt Results file 1 Write integer results. 0 - real values, 1 - integer [0, 1] 1 Skip motifs that coincide with the previous ones with a shift [0, 1] Delete