Task #3630 - 7632d027 Description: Status Start End Updated Duration Sequences Logs Task Bundle finished 3 years ago 3 years ago 3 years ago 15 minutes (948sec) Positive, Negative Float, Integer, Tomtom Open Results Motif positions Meme Tomtom output Motif Occurrence(%) Expected(%) -log10(Binomial prob) HMHNVMAS 50.5125 25.2763 171.373 DNRCAVYN 42.3825 19.9338 152.101 RGMASYDN 23.4712 7.32577 148.002 DMAVCAHD 19.4062 5.42171 137.797 CAVMNNGN 30.6469 12.554 130.74 CWRHACWN 14.4928 3.54924 116.153 RMAVKBNM 37.2216 19.4751 96.3776 AHCANDNH 31.4599 15.0922 95.7533 ANDGMASY 13.1849 3.60345 90.5912 MCHSHRRR 21.315 9.35412 71.0022 WGSWRRYH 20.0071 8.54545 69.622 WGKKCMNV 18.4164 8.2057 56.8048 KNHAACMD 13.9272 5.28156 56.7675 STSYARAV 7.63521 1.92292 53.28 CARHCTMV 5.97384 1.2522 50.0738 CWCARWMN 7.95334 2.2105 48.687 ACWDCCTN 5.12549 0.953286 47.7344 WVAVVTRG 11.8416 4.57271 44.6537 RRNAASTG 5.83245 1.3419 43.3746 ARNCYACY 5.23153 1.09826 42.594 RHYYACHR 12.69 5.46604 38.0639 MAMCAWHN 8.8017 3.10186 36.85 KKVMCADN 20.5373 11.1854 36.7296 SYAMARRV 8.8017 3.14546 35.8419 WGAADGSV 5.54966 1.43423 34.7222 ARMTSASW 5.16083 1.26626 34.1413 CMARNRYN 16.649 8.66018 31.9792 WGYARWVM 9.6854 3.89272 31.469 RRGGGMMB 5.97384 1.8416 28.6241 MCMWRGRR 6.46872 2.1892 26.635 DCARAMYV 6.71615 2.38078 25.4487 RDSAVCAM 6.36267 2.22669 24.2797 MAGNMAYV 7.8473 3.22515 22.2519 KGADVMCH 9.08448 4.06989 21.5862 CWGVTVAV 6.00919 2.16882 20.9052 ARRCBCWK 5.40827 1.83863 20.5409 WGHGGRMM 5.47897 1.92462 19.4527 SRSAVSCV 9.22587 4.31883 19.2458 RHAGTAKD 5.05479 1.77913 17.162 AARGVSMH 6.04454 2.38061 16.9283 TVCASYMN 7.98869 3.67014 16.3915 GMAHHCAB 5.12549 1.86752 16.0959 CAMKSWSV 7.49381 3.36369 16.0043 MATHCABB 5.58501 2.16124 15.7035 MBVACASV 7.21103 3.22533 15.2244 TAVARRGN 5.23153 1.99249 14.7831 RWYATCMH 5.30223 2.04385 14.6088 DMCCAKRB 6.15058 2.5861 14.3629 AKNBAGGR 5.30223 2.07612 13.9676 CWKCANCN 5.65571 2.30906 13.7084 AKVCAMRD 5.7971 2.48921 12.1239 ANAAAKBH 6.22128 2.77018 12.061 RMATBNCM 7.28172 3.59496 10.5834 GHRGARMB 6.04454 2.7649 10.3227 DRWCHGAR 5.8678 2.83886 7.53422 DBCARANG 5.65571 2.69534 7.50217 GVMVMTCM 5.30223 2.46063 7.42404 YMNAGGAN 5.30223 2.46304 7.38853 GGWNRMMC 5.05479 2.32566 6.95969 AGSRNYYC 5.23153 2.45963 6.74428 KMASMRGK 5.30223 2.52868 6.44892 STRRGMMV 6.8929 3.68254 6.12075 DSCMTVRG 5.72641 2.88912 5.58301 AYRDVMAA 5.09014 2.45126 5.50667 WGYCMMDM 6.43337 3.46366 4.81222 DACYSARH 5.09014 2.58079 3.81526 YAGSRNAV 6.36267 3.50837 3.7687 AYHVWRCA 5.09014 2.59054 3.6945 CMYASMDR 5.7971 3.13832 3.26096 GRGRSBGV 5.47897 2.93057 2.98557 RBYCCYRR 6.22128 3.56285 2.15168 RRVTRGAD 5.69106 3.16797 2.11746 Parameters Search parameters Complementary Statistical test type(score) Use Bonferroni correction for binomial score Skip motifs shifted by 1 symbol Motif filtering Minimum motif score Maximum number of results Positive sequences Sequences set Open Maximum motif presence by chance(%) Minimum motif presence in sequences set(%) Contrast sequences Contrast sequences set set Open Maximum motif score in the contrast set of sequences Statistic parameters Using of real frequencies Markov state length Add first run - exclude sequence if motif found Minimum percentage of remaining sequences. 0 - disable run parameters in ini format 1 Complementarity. 0 - forward strand. 1 - forward + reverse strand. 2 Minimum motif score 35 Maximum presence of motif for random reasons in the positive set of sequences [0-100] 5 Minimum presence of motif in the positive set of sequences [0-100] pos.fst File with positive set of sequences 1 0 - neutral frequencies, 1 - real nucleotide frequencies in the set of sequences [0, 1] 1 Score type: 0 - chi-squared or 1 - binomial [0, 1] 0 Maximum number of result motifs. 0 - reveal all significant motifs [0, ] 0 Markov chain order (0-Bernulli, 1-dinucleotide, 2-trinucleotide), when using real nucleotide frequencies [0-3] 0 Unsupported param 0 Minimum % of remaining sequences. First run - exclude sequences if motif found. 0 - disable. [0, 100] neg.fst File with the contrast set of sequences 10 Maximum score in the contrast set of sequences 0 Unsupported param 1 Output results with Bonferroni correction [0, 1] a.txt Results file 1 Write integer results. 0 - real values, 1 - integer [0, 1] 1 Skip motifs that coincide with the previous ones with a shift [0, 1] Delete